use of the optimum materials
competent and qualified advice
reliable clearing and delivery
more than 30 years of experience

Beading tools


Production in one step

All our constructions consider your materials resistance and yield stresses

Transfer of freeform surfaces or 3D contours 1:1 from customer drawings or data sets

Realization of the tools with integrated beadings adjusted to the sheet quality and thickness

Design of angles, form and design of the beadings according to customer specification

Active components are hardened

Functional test and adjustment through test bends - with your sample sheets



Special tool for Z-profile,
guided and spring loaded, for four
stiffening beads in one stroke



Material thickness up to 5,0 mm

All forms of beading independent of the bending angle






Examples for beading tools

Other shapes and layouts are manufactured individually according to your specifications




Special tool for Z-profile,
rear guided, for four
stiffening beads in one stroke
Bead embossing tool for two beads
near the bending line, with hold-down
device and supports, in one stroke



use of the optimum materials
competent and qualified advice
reliable clearing and delivery
more than 30 years of experience